The OmniBlend is designed to work hard in your kitchen, and a few tips & tricks help to make the most out of the blender.

Preventing Wear & Tear

Hints & Tips

  1. Always make sure that the jug is placed properly on the cushion before starting to blend.

  2. Use the tamper when blending thicker drinks or textures and make sure to only use it through the lid hole.

  3. Never rock or tilt the jug and base when the ingredients are stuck, but use the tamper.

  4. Only lift the jug off the base once the blades have stopped spinning completely.

  5. Blend on high speed when blending tougher ingredients or thicker textures.

Preventing Overload

  • Blend always on high speed for thick contents like nutbutter or icecream.

  • Avoid overfilling the jug: when blending nutbutters, blend more in smaller batches

  • Reset the overload switch